1814th km of the Trans-Siberian railway

Yekaterinburg city tour
The sightseeing tour of Yekaterinburg will introduce you to the historical centre of the city: the dam of the city pond on the Iseti River, which gave birth to the Yekaterinburg manufacture in the XVIII century, the monument to the founders of the city, the chapel of St. Catherine - the patroness of the city, the first stone building of Yekaterinburg - the Mining Chancellery ( today's Conservatory); merchant mansions of the XIX century, decorating the city pond.
In this excursion around Yekaterinburg you will see the central squares of the city of Yekaterinburg - the Square of 1905 and the October Square with the buildings of the City Duma and the Regional Government.
The route of the sightseeing tour around Yekaterinburg also passes along the central street of the city - Lenin Avenue from the memorial with the Eternal Flame to the building of the largest university in the Urals.
As part of the sightseeing tour of Yekaterinburg you will see Voznesenskaya Hill, decorated with the most beautiful building of the early XIX century - the palace of merchants Rastorguev-Kharitonov, the Temple on the Blood on the site of the infamous house of engineer Ipatiev, where the last days of his life spent Emperor Nicholas II and members of his family.